What faith she had! What horrors she witnessed. What suffering she accepted! What beauty she beheld. What inspiration she gave! What humbling she taught. All for the glory, all for the love, all for sacrifice of our Lord. Nothing did she give for her own vainglory. Jesus, was her all. In the tiniest, in the most filthy, in the most wretched, most sin filled... all Mother Teresa saw was Jesus. Jesus in the baby, Jesus in the dying leper, Jesus in the beaten mother. Daily, hour to hour simple, strong Mother Teresa kept her faith focused. In her darkest hours, she trusted in God. So much she taught this age by example and words. Never taking any credit for her efforts, all was truly a gift from God to His good servant Teresa. She would exclaim to any who would listen,"Look what God has done with someone as little as me!" Listing the convents, hospitals, sisters, priests, lay people all working in the houses she founded and inspired... yes, look what God has done with tiny, frail Mother Teresa! A face and hands so etched with wrinkles and love, you have to be blind to not see the glorious beauty earned in every crevasse, every line. Her stooped shoulders and back bent so low like her humbleness as she gladly carried the Cross with our Lord. Thanks be to God for a servant like Blessed Mother Teresa! Thanks be to the Blessed Mother Mary for guiding to Jesus little Mother Teresa! Thanks be to Jesus for His Sacrifice and Resurrection for we may be visited by a woman so holy, humble, and strong. Thanks be to God for again giving us living , walking, normal people and making them into His most glorious servants so we may learn once again how mighty the One True God is.
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