In light of today's Scripture readings, Fr. Bob's Prayer is:
Jesus, you are God's holy one! Even though we sometimes experience your message as too difficult and challenging, we still seek to believe you. We don't want to walk away because it does not make worldly sense. Give us the faith of Peter and the apostles, who stuck with you, even amid their doubts and questions. You are the Spirit Who gives life. You are God's Word Who is effective power. Continue to manifest your risen presence among us, Lord Jesus. As Peter cured the paralytic and raised Tabitha, we need to be touched and healed. Allow your healing power to awake the paralysis of our hearts and minds, and those parts of us which are dead. Enliven and free us and be the transcendent, present power which moves us to free and raise up others. We need the miracle of faith in You. Thanks for being eternal life and power for us.
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