Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Night musings ..Part One.

Jesus, how do you look in your Mother's eyes? Jesus, how does Mary look into your eyes?

Blessed mother Mary, you draw so close, never ceasing to help us to love Jesus. How I spend hours, days, a lifetime wondering about your life while you walked this innocent you were made by our glorious Father, so loved by the Holy Spirit. What dreams and worries did you have as you helped Elizabeth prepare for John's birth? As you watched her waist grow larger and felt your son growing in your womb did you realize that times will go to Calvary? Did you repeat over and over in your mind His Divine name? See the glory of Gabriel's closeness to God? ...

Hail, Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women!
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,

Oh Holy Mary, mother of God,
Pray for us sinners
and at the hour of our death.

Touched the hem of His cloak and she was healed. I love this Gospel story in Luke. Faith, and gentleness. "Who touched me" said Jesus..."I felt power leave me" ... "Daughter, go in peace." Jesus tells the cured hemorrhagic woman..."Daughter, go in peace"

How I would love to see Jesus. Just to touch the edge of his cloak! When I am good and pray and follow the path He laid out for me I can see Him in the people I pass. Sometimes I will sit and just watch people as they move by... flowing, spinning, laughing, angry... people become so fascinating once you step outside the normal way of living. My life has tossed me into an observer role for now. This is why my weakness is self induced distraction. Sometimes seeing and feeling all the emotions of those around me are too overwhelming. Reading the news too painful. How did Jesus endure the pain on that night in the garden? When he felt all the sin we committed against our brothers and sisters through the ages?

How? How His human side ached, how His divine side suffered. All by choice, for He loved us so... all by humbling choice because He loved me so...

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