Friday, January 7, 2011

New year, new beginnings....The Advent/ Christmas season comes to a close and back to ordinary time until Lent.  Introspection ticks through the mind filling me with a curious wonder of what the year may hold.

Few things are on the list of things I desire, and of those all are not bought, or traded things.  No, the things I desire cannot be obtained by me but demand a trust in Jesus that He will guide and help me see their possible fruition.  The crux being will I see the sign, hear that silent whisper showing the way?  Will my "self" get in the way and drown me in cacophonous waves of selfish distractions missing the Spirit's inspiration?  Lately it seems that all is askew, a silent chaos that thrusts me back down to my knees and make my entire being cry Heavenward for help, I cannot do this on my own. 

How to end all this, what will the path be this year dear Beloved?  Will you give me the grace to follow and hear your gentle call?  Love, love, all I crave is your love and to do your will.  You gave me gifts so sweet and special, how may I use them in service to you?

Sigh, nobody ever said life would be fun and easy. Trust, trust, trust.

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