Thursday, March 31, 2011

Holy Father, give us today our daily bread.  Give us Jesus always during our brief stay in this land of exile.  Give Him to us and grant that we may be increasingly worthy to welcome Him into our hearts.     -St. Padre Pio 
Please, please, please Dear Father, for the sake of Jesus' sorrowful Passion, bless us with Thy grace and Fatherly love so we may be so united with dear Jesus we never have a thought of our own wants, or needs but always joyously, lovingly do only that which pleases Thou and soothes our dear Savior's hurting heart. So that with Jesus we may bring the conversion of all sinners' and return this world to one of glorifying, praising, thanking, and loving only our merciful, loving God  We humbly ask Thou this in the name and for the love of Jesus. please hear our cry. Please heal us so we may do Thy Will....for into Thy hands' we commend our Spirit.  Have mercy on us... have mercy on me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blessed Feast of St Joseph!!  Here is a poem by a Sister that always pops into my head when I think about St Joseph and makes me cry…I am a total crybaby when it comes to sweet, loving emotions.

by Sister Mary Ada, OSJ

The ancient greyness shifted
Suddenly and thinned
Like mist upon the moors
Before a wind.
An old, old prophet lifted
A shining face and said:
“He will be coming soon.
The Son of God is dead;
He died this afternoon.”

A murmurous excitement stirred
All souls.
They wondered if they dreamed –
Save one old man who seemed
Not even to have heard.

And Moses, standing,
Hushed them all to ask
If any had a welcome song prepared.
If not, would David take the task?
And if they cared
Could not the three young children sing
The Benedicite, the canticle of praise
They made when God kept them from perishing
In the fiery blaze?
A breath of spring surprised them,
Stilling Moses’ words.
No one could speak, remembering
The first fresh flowers,
The little singing birds.
Still others thought of fields new ploughed
Or apple trees
All blossom-boughed.
Or some, the way a dried bed fills
With water
Laughing down green hills.
The fisherfolk dreamed of the foam
On bright blue seas.
The one old man who had not stirred
Remembered home.

And there He was
Splendid as the morning sun and fair
As only God is fair.
And they, confused with joy,
Knelt to adore
Seeing that He wore
Five crimson stars
He never had before.

No canticle at all was sung
None toned a psalm, or raised a greeting song,
A silent man alone
Of all that throng
Found tongue –
Not any other.
Close to His heart
When the embrace was done,
Old Joseph said,
“How is Your Mother,
How is Your Mother, Son?”

Lent is once again here…later this year but here it is.  Before Lent I prayed for Jesus to show me what weakness out of my many He would like for me to really focus and work on this year.  Distractions….

Over the past several months I slipped into some bad habits, some lazy habits.  I allowed myself to be mislead to not pray as deeply as I ought, mislead by seeking comfort in things that were not of God.  Instead of seeking Jesus for my emotional whatevers I wasted time online doing silly things.  Anxiety attacks returned and instead of trusting Jesus will help me I allowed myself to miss Sunday Mass knowing… knowing the sin and that it doesn’t matter how many daily Masses I go to they do not make up for Sunday Mass.  Mea Culpa….

Still fighting the panic attacks but forcing myself to make it to Mass regardless how it feels before getting there.  Things always settle down once Divine Liturgy starts, Jesus and Mary calm the inner “aaahhhhh’s”.  Confession is wonderful to help on this also. 

Lent this year also involves 40 Days for Life, had to miss the kick off since I was working out of town, but have had a wonderful day one day was there almost 8 hours and have done several unsigned hours just when time allowed.  It is good for it is to help stop abortion and also helps foster prayer and conversation.

Lent the first week was actually surprisingly good and graced.  10 days in let’s see what path I am lead towards and how well I try to stick to the metanoia attempts hopefully through God’s helping grace…

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Know from God that we know nothing save through the grace of God.
The true face of Blessed Mother, given to us through the grace of God.
Our unworthiness is washed, cleaned through the love of God.

The most Holy Trinity mystifies and unites us with Him.
What are we?
Who are we?
We are but the children of God, delivered through Jesus.
Our Creator and Savior and Guide, the Holy Trinity.
Three in One; One in Three
True God.

Humbled, we can touch God
Humble God allows us to touch Him.

Unity with the Almighty.

It has been awhile... You know, many people poo-poo the idea of forming loving friendships online, and how they are not the same as F2F friendships, that is true I concede that, but I know for a fact there are a couple people I know primarily through online relationships who would go to the ends of the earth for me if I asked or needed it.  These couple of people are so precious to me, and I love them like I love those closet to me F2F.

There is a connection between people who cross your path, some traditional and physical in proximity, others more distant but still close for the touch of intimacy of emotion may be over thousands of miles yet still as tender and treasured.